Friday, June 1, 2007

May Round-Up

It’s June 1st! What happened to May, and to spring, by the way? It’s been up into the 90’s and it’s all humid and sticky. Yuk. Anyway, May shout-outs go to: Cousin Frank, you’re the best! Friends: Nikki, Renee, Suellen, Steve, Anna, and Michele, thank you, thank you!

Well, we’re at the 23 week mark until the race. There hasn’t been a change in my weight since I started training, but I can tell I’m feeling better from eating more wholesome foods, and less fats and sugar, and my sleep has improved. Suellen and I are going to Antrim Lake for our first walk together after work, and I’ve scheduled training days for next week all ready. So much is going on that I will have to get my butt out of bed early and do some walking in the early morning hours. At least it will be cooler then!

p.s: And to all the people who have given me such positive feedback on my blog, it’s so nice to hear all the great comments. I’m having a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Timron1999 said...

You GO Girl!!! You can do it. Once all my ankle probs are over, I may just join you next year!!!!