"Richard is one of the few people I can actually remember meeting for the first time. In ’87 I was still working the switchboard. Back in those days, the front desk was this tall cubicle thing. Even when I sat up straight, all anyone could see of me was from my nose up. Usually, though, I would be working on data reports, so I would be bent over reading them, and anyone walking through the front door would see no one sitting there. This particular day, I was engrossed in a data report, and I looked up to see this big guy peering over the counter at me. Most people would have introduced themselves at that point, but Richard wasn’t most people. Instead, he told a joke, I laughed and thought, “who the heck is this guy?!”.
We got into a routine where I would see him, say “who let you out of your cage”, he’d reply “What’s it to you? You writin’ a book”, I would say, “Why, yes I am”, and then he’d have a quip, like, “Then go hide and you can make it a mystery” or “Kiss me and make it a love story”.
I will always remember Richard for his quick wit and his ability to make everyone laugh. I have no doubts that at this moment, Richard is leaning across St. Peter’s desk, in front of the Pearly Gates, his pipe in one hand, telling him the one about the Priest and the Rabbi who meet a grizzly bear in the woods, which is just his way of introducing himself."
So, to my old pal Richard, this traditional Irish prayer....
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face.May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.
1 comment:
I am so sorry for your loss. He seemed like a wonderful man and my sympathies truly go out to his friends and family during this terrible time.
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