Saturday, May 19, 2007

Columbus Walk for the Cure 5K

The morning was perfect for a 5K. Although it was on the cool side, the sun was out and the sky was blue. I met Hester at the Lennox B&N and then headed downtown. You know how big the event was going to be, just with all the other cars heading the same way we were. Fortunately, Hester knows the ins and outs of downtown driving and we found a parking garage very close to our starting point in the walk. Excitement was in the air and everyone was in a great mood. We had fun listening to the music and looking at all the people, reading their signs and just enjoying each other. This was the first time Hester and I had done something on our own, and it was nice to have some bonding time. Including the 5K (3.1 miles), and the walk to and from the parking garage, we logged 5.6 miles on my pedometer. That's a really good training day! Since neither one of us had had time for breakfast, and we were both starving, we stopped and had lunch at Champps. Man! Were they packed! And 95% of the other diners were Walk participants, as well. What a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.