Monday, May 14, 2007

It's Official!

Well, folks, I did it! I'm officially signed up to do the 3 Day Walk for the Cure in San Diego! Hopefully over the next 25 weeks I can really get myself into shape. I weighed in at 216.2 last Wednesday. Yikes! I need to lose a minimum of 35 pounds before then, or my poor little tootsies will be crushed under all that pressure.

I hope you will come back and follow my journey. I will take photos along the way, and maybe even get you to chuckle a little bit.

Finally, on this my first ever posting, I hope you will consider helping me get to San Diego. I need to raise $2,200 dollars in pledges in order to actually participate in the walk. Please visit my Walk for the Cure home page at:


1 comment:

Lothian said...

The site looks awesome!! Good luck!